Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Opium

I feel like I've been smoking opium. Returning from Australia,

and find these egregious PIG OUT PACKAGES. Not bail out packages. The nation

is high on Obama-opium. It is a wonderful new drug for the Depression. You inhale

the fumes of optimism, you become blissfully ignorant of reality, applaud corporate

socialism, agree that the rich white thieves should be given more money, and then

you become dewy-eyed when Obama gives you "Yes, we can Speech #6,000,753"

Is Obama shilling for Wall Street and the other corporate gangstas'.

Legalize pot and get the real gangstas' in prison.

In Jan 08 I asked, "Who have they selected to be our next president?"

Or is it a pathetic irony that they got a black man to clean up the rich white boy's mess?

How come all these staunch supporters of capitalism suddenly want Socialism?

Mr. Obama, who makes every liberal all squishy and warm inside

when he talks, is making so many wealthy republicans feel squishy and warm inside too.

I'm as nervous as a virgin in a Hell's Angels locker-room.

In all this talk of a new America, has anyone taken our President to task for the

PIG OUT PARTY for the Pentagon, and all the Homeland Insecurity. 25% of our GNP?

No one knows. Some say more. All the CIA, FBI, National Police, etc.. How much does it really

cost? The cost is easy to see -- Jails busting at the seem with inner city youth, schools falling

apart, two million and MORE homeless, the elderly freezing in their homes, and the insanity goes on.

Now that the party is over, is it time to ask for something more than Obama-opium?

Mr. President, did you inhale?

Spend a trillion dollars

on Homeland Insecurity,

the Military & feed Halliburton,

Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, ?

Carte Blanche to Exxon,

$70 billion in profits

last year? Another cheer

for Capitalism!

US military outposts in

scores of countries and

fighting a two front war,

and Pakistan next up?

Feed the rusted monoliths

of General Motors, Ford,

and Chrysler?

Pork barrel for banks, a

feeding frenzy for CEOs.

Keep those fat white men

chomping in the pig trough?

Cut taxes!

Build a new America!

Wage war!

“Mr. President,

what did you inhale?”

Da’fence Department

A fence in my world

is someone who takes

stolen goods, gives

you a fraction of its

worth, and resells it.

The Department of

Da’fence stealing the

future of America,

& repackaging it as,

“Democracy for export!”

“Freedom from terror!”

“Free trade for the USA!”

“Protect our Oil!”

All wrapped in red, white

and blue.

Shilling for the big boys

of Halliburton, Bechtel,

Lockheed Martin, Exxon, etc..

America’s future

stolen & fenced by

Da’fence Department

In Praise of Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe was a hard

man to love at times.

Thirty-five million or

more deaths, but he

was a sentimentalist.

“A million deaths

a mere statistic, but

one death a tragedy.”

Though torture,

famine, imprisonment,

and poisonings were

part of his game…he

had a moral clarity in

an odd sort of way.

Which brings me to

the corporate thieves

and Gangsters who are

looting America and calling

it patriotic.

Uncle Joe would have

smiled at all these

groveling, sniveling,

whining supplicants,

told them to line up

against the wall and

shot them.

A bit dramatic, but I revel

in the moral

clarity, the cutting through

the Gordian knot of

profound bullshit

In our America, the

thieves are not lined

up against the wall,

we open the bank

and give them more


Is it time to bring

back the spirit of

Uncle Joe?